My Daily Bath- completed

What a sweet baby face! It was great to see this piece completed. (she was partially stitched before). The back stitching really adds to the facial features. My customer reports that she already has a spot picked out on her wall for this piece.
cross stitch my daily bath . Baby in basin, wash cloth, pitcher
cross stitch my daily bath closeup baby face


  1. Lisa on November 3, 2011 at 11:35 am

    about a month ago I emailed Colleen about this sweet baby I have wanted for a long time. I have never worked with Colleen and took a chance on GOOGLING SOMEONE. I received this little girl today and she is BEAUTIFUL. COLLLEEN, you did a wonderful job. Colleen kept me up to date on when she started and when she mailed her. I can’t wait to get more things done from you. Thank you again. Lisa